Hey, I'm
Hey, I'm
Qais Zaidalkilani👋
Qais Zaidalkilani👋


Your Text
Into Tone.

My success is driven by passion, see by yourself:

My success is driven by passion, see by yourself:


21h+ Recorded


> 3 Days

Happy Client

49 up to date

Helping bring your characters & story to life

Helping bring your characters & story to life

High quality audio with passionate acting, Campaigns with highest ROI in the market, seen by millions of potential customers, accordingly with content strategy.

High quality audio with passionate acting, Campaigns with highest ROI in the market, seen by millions of potential customers, accordingly with content strategy.


Using Shure MV7, Focusrite Scarlett and Adobe Audition to bring you the best quality.


Acting your ideas to believable character voices that engage your audience with passion and performance.

But who am I really?

My name is Qais, born in Palestine, and I'm helping creative people like you.

But who am I really?

My name is Qais, born in Palestine, and I'm helping creative people like you.

But who am I really?

My name is Qais, born in Palestine, and I'm helping creative people like you.

Turning my long-term joy of making character voices and imagining scenarios into a hobby and career. Hoping to be the voice of your next character and narrate your story with passion.

Turning my long-term joy of making character voices and imagining scenarios into a hobby and career. Hoping to be the voice of your next character and narrate your story with passion.

My Fav Quote

Your website looks stunning! We would love to hire you <3

⛺ Follow me along the 🥾 Journey

⛺ Follow me along the Journey

⛺ Follow me along the 🥾 Journey

On my blog "TheFreeVoice" I share my voice journey, from the "I want to do this 🚀" to the "I did it ✨"

Feel free to check it out!

On my blog "TheFreeVoice" I share my voice journey, from the "I want to do this 🚀" to the "I did it ✨"

Feel free to check it out!

Read more on my blog

Lets connect!

Tell me about your ideas and vision, let me be the voice of your stories.

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Follow my journey, learn the path of turning your voice from idea to career and get behind the scenes content.

© 2024 Qais Zaidalkilani. All rights reserved

Lets connect!

Tell me about your ideas and vision, let me be the voice of your stories.

Join my newsletter!

Follow my journey, learn the path of turning your voice from idea to career and get behind the scenes content.

© 2024 Qais Zaidalkilani. All rights reserved

Lets connect!

Tell me about your ideas and vision, let me be the voice of your stories.

Join my newsletter!

Follow my journey, learn the path of turning your voice from idea to career and get behind the scenes content.

© 2024 Qais Zaidalkilani. All rights reserved